What Is The Renaissance Marketer™ Mindset 

Renaissance Marketer Mindset defined

A new framework for marketers to think differently

Marketing is at the center of understanding product-market-fit because marketers understand the customer, the landscape, and how the product/service addresses the needs of the customer; however Marketing’s value has declined over time. The Renaissance Marketer Mindset is a way to shift how we talk think, do and perform marketing to drive the ultimate goal: value, as measured by business growth. To drive growth, marketers must innovate. To guarantee innovation, marketers must adopt the Renaissance Marketer Mindset.

Who We Are

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A group of Renaissance Marketers trying to make an impact

The world is changing. No longer can marketers just be skilled in one aspect of marketing. Our various backgrounds from finance to operations to data analytics allow us to be better marketers. Thus, we bring together disparate ideas from various fields and to drive sustainable and scalable growth.

What We Do

Dedicated to driving growth through Renaissance Marketers

Many new marketers ask us what they should learn or do to become better marketers. Many other functions ask us why marketing is powerful. We created this platform to help marketers become future-proof. We provide resources, mentorship, and a network for like-minded Renaissance Marketers to connect.

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Our founding story

In late 2017, our founder, Rose Jia, had a sudden bout of anxiety when she felt out of place as a marketer. Having started her career as an investment banker and then working in corporate finance, she didn’t have the traditional marketing background like her colleagues nor was she specialized with a specific skillset like her agency/contractors. What she was good at was connecting different dots and bringing her various background and interests together to invent new products, concepts and strategies. Though that sounds exciting now, at that time, it was a constant battle convincing traditional leaders to adopt her new way of thinking. The result was her questioning whether marketing was truly her calling.

She was about to give up and call her old finance boss back (he had a standing offer for her to return) when she read a Forbes article written by Antonio Lucio (then CMO of HP) called “Reinventing the Role of the CMO.” That article gave her newfound strength. She reached out to Antonio and thanked him for writing an article at a time when she (and perhaps many other unconventional marketers) was doubting herself and her different way. He encouraged her to read Walter Isaacson’s Leonardo da Vinci and commented, “what we are talking about is nothing more than the return to the Renaissance concept of art and science as one.” She couldn’t agree more.

With this new invigoration (and inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s curiosity), she embraced her different mindset and set forth to drive growth in her own way. She built new marketing frameworks and patented new technologies. She went from wondering if marketing was her forte to realizing marketing marketing (e.g. showcasing the value of marketing) was her destiny. And, she knew the best way to show that was to demonstrate results, which meant evolving all marketers into Renaissance Marketers—those who like the Renaissance masters of the past can bring together different disciplines, ideas, and more to innovate.

Three years later, in 2020, she officially launched Renaissance Marketer™ and the Renaissance Marketer Mindset. To this day, Rose works tirelessly with her team to evangelize the concept of a Renaissance Marketer, develop tools and curriculum to help marketers to drive sustainable scalable growth, and create a community of Renaissance Marketers who can elevate marketing to its rightful place as the main driver of business and sales growth.

Contact Us

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